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Fonte grise EN GJL 300.
Les écrous croisillon à serrage rapide s’utilisent sur tous les dispositifs qui se contentent d’efforts de serrage faibles.
Fonctionnement grâce à un demi-filetage.
Indication de dessin
X: La tige filetée devra être sensiblement plus longue que la hauteur «H»
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Quick-acting palm grips

Quick-acting palm grips are a special form of the conventional palm grips. The characteristic feature of such components is that they are used in situations that do not require a high clamping force. These include clamping mechanisms for machine covers. Because the thread is only on one side of the oblique hole at top and bottom, the quick-acting palm grip can be slipped onto the thread and then quickly and securely tightened.

norelem quick-acting palm grips are available in six different sizes (M6 to M16).